Well, I found out what happened to the Krogan females. Apparently they have their own clans, and I guess they just don't get out much? Still, it'd be nice to meet one. At least now their absence makes a certain amount of sense; given the precious rarity of a fertile Krogan ladies, doesn't make a whole lot of sense for them to be gallivanting around the galaxy. Sucks for the fruitful female, a life-time of breeding. But not all alien species' civilizations can be rainbows and moonbeams. Would like to know more about the cultural ramifications. And what about the sterile women? What do they do with their time? Questions, questions. Still no word on turian chicks, but I hear they're rather flexible.
I also realized that in addition to the lack of unappealing women in space, there also seems to be a lack of fat people in general (except for the volus, but they're only fat in comparison to everyone else, for all I know the round butterballs on the Citadel are actually the one's spry enough to get off planet). This I will allow to be attributed to this being the future and all species have concurred obesity, or whatever, but it's still weird. Also no old people or children. The kiddies make sense from a game-mechanic standpoint, more models to have to render, and maybe with the advent of space-age cosmetic surgery no one needs to look over 30. Certainly not the asari.
To continue my earlier tirade concerning attractiveness, ME2 is not winning any points from me for Miranda. At least she admits to being genetically engineered to be a knock-out. And they call her out in-game for that “uniform” of hers. Makes me wonder what the actress she was modeled after thinks about her “engineered good looks”. I miss Ashley, even if she did come in pink armor. At least she didn't come across as a stuck-up bitch. Miranda has a personal investment in my well-being, why does she have to be so stand-offish? Still, if anyone deserves an inferiority complex, it's Miranda. She gets better with time, but then so does Stockholm Syndrome.
My personal problems with Miranda aside, she seems more like a caricature than an actual character. Pretty to look at, but totally two dimensional. Granted, I'm not really the one being catered to, but that's no excuse. Ashley was a perfectly likable character, even if I didn't want to do her. I don't even dislike Miranda that much, but she's so uninteresting and so obviously over-sexualized that I immediately feel alienated.
In contrast, I really like Jack, and not just because she insists on calling Miranda “the cheerleader”. She's just as pretty, has a nice body, she walks around practically shirtless, and her attitude's worse than Miranda's. So why doesn't Jack bother me? She's abrasive and taciturn, and yet somehow more likable than certain operatives. Maybe I just really hate Cerberus, but in the end I guess it's because that while her physical features alone are very attractive, she's represented in the most conventionally un-appealing way possible. Her random hap-hazard tattoos, piercings and shaved head detract rather than add to her otherwise comely exterior. Or rather, they should. I guess it's just pandering without seeming to pander. Not much of a difference ultimately, but at least I don't feel put-out in the end.
Oh, and am I the only one who noticed that the female Shepard seems to suffer from Lara-Croft-itis? Her boobs are notably larger in ME2. Cerberus, what have you done?!